Involverade är gräddan av dåtidens Svenska jesusrockare, men förvänta er inget storverk, det är först några år senare med plattan "Tungt vatten" som Ernviks talang som tung gitarrhjälte blommar ut till fullo.
De latar som saknar latlangt (dvs. fran Tomas tro till Bonestund) gar liksom ihop till en enda lang bonmassa medley.
De blir tillsammans 6:31. Ratt okej skiva faktiskt. De kristna texterna gor den riktigt rolig! Battre an vatten!" http://www.progg.se/band.asp?ID=677

"Tomas Ernvik (from Kristinehamn) played in 1971 his first LP "small songs" on the religious record label "Cymbal" the year after came this rock-opera simmilar LP out. Involved on this record is the creme of that dates Swedish jesusrockers, but don't expect a great work. it's first after a few years later with the record "Tungt vatten (heavy water)" that shows of his true talent as a heavy guitar hero first comes out to it's fullest. It seems like like the songs from "Tomas tro" to "Bonestund" is a long medley (6.31 in total) Pretty good record in total. The christian lyrics makes it pretty pleasant and easy to listen to! Better than Water!" FS
Thanks a lot FS ;)
A1. Inledning (5:59)
A2. Den uppstandne Jesus (2:30)
A3. Marias lovsang (2:01)
A4. Tomas tvivel (1:44)
A5. Konfrontationsblues (4:04)
A6. Tomas tro (6:31)
- Jesu slutord 1
- Larjungakor
- Jesu slutord 2
- Missionsbefallningen
- Bonestund
B1. Pingstafton (2:35)
B2. Pingstdagen (10:18)
B3. Petrus predikan (3:04)
B4. hallelujakor (3:02)
- Bjorn Dahlberg - Trumpet
- Bosse Lindqvist - Orgel
- Jalle Ahlstrom - Trummor
- Lars Folkerman - Trumpet
- Marian Muzykant - Trombon
- Pavel Cech - Tenorsax
- Sigge Nilsson - Piccolotrumpet
- Thomas Lindbjer - Bas
- Tomas Ernvik - Piano, orgel, gitarr
A5. Konfrontationsblues...
B2. Pingstdagen...
link in comments
Tomas Ernvik (from Kristinehamn) played in 1971 his first LP "small songs" on the religious record label "Cymbal" the year after came this rock-opera simmilar LP out. Involved on this record is the creme of that dates Swedish jesusrockers, but don't expect a great work. it's first after a few years later with the record "Tungt vatten (heavy water)" that shows of his true talent as a heavy guitar hero first comes out to it's fullest. It seems like like the songs from "Tomas tro" to "Bonestund" is a long medley (6.31 in total) Pretty good record in total. The christian lyrics makes it pretty pleasant and easy to listen to! Better than Water!
Thanks a lot FS ;)
Hello, ProgNotFrog.
Your blog is historic, i mean like a living leyend.
Wanted to thank you for the amazing "Zendik - The Album" you posted some time ago. Its one of my favs.
Is there anything else recorded by Wolf Zendik?
Or how about his girl Arol? I know she sings and plays till today but couldt find anything to download.
Thanks again for all!
Keep up the honorable work.
What a great blog! Congrats and thanks a lot!
Could you please re-upload the album "Urubamba" by Urumamba? I would be very thankful!
Muchas Gracias por todo!
Javiera, Bolivia.
new link "Urubamba" in comments http://prognotfrog.blogspot.com/2006/09/urubamba-urubamba-peru-1974-192.html#comments
More Wulf Zendik soon ;)
Great! Thanks a lot for the Urubamba Repost and the Zendik Link!
Again, amazing blog and good attention to your followers, thats recomforting and makes the blog better and friendlier.
Hello, Prog not Frog!
Thanks for all the devotion to great music. And thanks for Ossian, didn't, knew it and its great!
Wanted to ask you if you could please repost those Henry Flynt jewels you posted a whiile back. "I Dont wanna" and "Purified by Fire". Heard some stuff by Flynt and i Loved it, specially when he sings. I would be very thankful.
Hi Folks! thanks for sharing your knowledge, this blog is very helpful. Maybe you will like our latest radio show, dedicated to '69/'73 Prog'Psychedelic Blues.
Charlie (from France)
You that want can dowload the album "Tungt Vatten" [Heavy Water] from the Vatten band of Ernik here:
Just fond it, all credits to Ancient Star Song Blog and the uploader.
Could you re-upload this Tomas Ernvik album? Thanks in advance.
new link: http://lix.in/-a06d2c
Thanks very, very much for the latest re-ups
Links not working. Not sure why you have a blog with broken links. It sucks
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