"Packie Manus Byrne is a traditional singer and musician from Donegal. He was born in 1917 into a small crofting community in Corkermore, near the port of Killybegs. Packie is not only a goldmine of traditional song, music and folklore, but also a very affable man and a superb storyteller.
Bonnie, was born in 1949 in Stockton, California USA and began piano at age 4. She is an accomplished musician (piano, all forms of harps, voice, composition) and lives in Cork, Ireland where she teaches and performs."Captain Taylor's Air And March..
Sorry to be picky, but Donegal isn't in the UK, it's in Ireland. So is Cork. ;-)
i fixed my mistake, thank you :)
Fantastic!!! Just Fantastic!!! Pass me a Guiness !!!
A tradicional irish-celtick folk music, all we expect in an album of this genre: marvelous voices, beautiful melodies, magic music. Ask what else? Great album.
any chance fer a reup on this one one too? merci :)
sorry if this is a duplicate comment. i thought i sent one but got no confirmation. essentially, i would very much like to hear this album, so kindly reup if ya feel generous. thanks :)
new link http://lix.in/-ac39d6 :o)
This the roger again, im not good at this thing anyway. Just live on and on we shall remember you
Roger Green
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