bowl appeared in the scene of netherlands at mid seventies. they did several concerts. as far as i know they never came up with a release under a label, however several songs recorded on their live concerts in time, and what we got in this album is the songs that rescued from old tapes. about the album, it has so nice atmosphere beautified with baraque elements. the sound is similar to the bands like camel, alquin and kayak. there is not even a dull song on the album, and for some songs i like to listen over and over. as the time passes some members changed, some new joined. musicians in the records were;
Hessel Hoornveld(Bass guitar, guitar), Hans Elmers(Vocals), Johan Spiering(Keyboards), Bas Blom(Guitar), Hans Andringa(Drums), Herman Meyer(Guitar), Bob Schaafsma(Guitar). A hidden gem for the lovers of 70s progressive rock.
tHe pLacK..
staNding beFoRe thE winDoW..
thanks to ertwen :)
thank you :)
Really a great surprise for me!
thanks a lot!
So thanks, This really a hidden one.
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
thanks for the "bowl" , looking forward to the listening!!! Happy holidays, tyronetieclip-nozmoking
A million thanks!
Thanks, great information! Happy New Year!
how can i search the label in youre blog? i mean, if i wanna search only for japan music, or mabe the style [funk/rock/soul] ... is this possible in youre blog? thx for the great stuff.
Many thanks this is in my top ten for 2009. WHAT A FIND!
Hi Prognotfrog, I found impossible to release every download with your blog. The lix.in links are interdict from the Ministery and Postal Policy. The lix.in addresses are redirected on a page that complain "interdict from the National Centre against the child pornography on WEB".
Ok, i'm very interested in the russian group Akacis and Bowl, in particular but not only.
If you can, give the true adresses of the albums on Rapidshare or the likes, instead of lix.in, to solve the problem. At least for the last series of albums. Thanks
If need this my email Dairos777azz@gmail.com
Thank you Nahavanda!
Greetings from freezin' Belgium
Sorry, i've forgot to indicate the country. I want to mean that in Italy is impossible to access the site lix.in, due of a filter imposed by the Ministery of the Intern and Postal Policy. The impedence concern only lix.in and not direct links on Rapidshare, Megaupload and so on. Thanks for attention.
hi Dairos,
We sent links to your e-mail
Isabel :o)
Grateful Thanks to Prognotfrog and to your gentle heart, Isabelbc.
I remember your photo with original rock glasses on sayko35's blog
I run to the mail... and very soon i'll comment these
Hi Prognotfrogblog and Isabel, as i promise my thought on this band. Many of the tracks impressed me so much. Pleasure music in classic netherland's style, very close to Kayak, Earth and fire, Marakesh and so on, with some rock and blues adding. Very good singing, essential keybording but effective, great, refined and sensitive guitar playing. A very "blow"ing piece of art.
See you soon with comment on latvian Akacis, whose music is nice but not easy to judgement objectively.
Strange I never heard of them ??
It's reminding of my youth :) :)
Hi there. Ooh great to hear. I was one of the musicians and composer.
Sitll composing and playing.
Have fun.
Hessel Hoornveld
wow that's cool
There is any way to get working link? :D I rly love this band but its impossible to get it
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