Banda oriunda de Riachos (Concelho de Torres Novas, distrito de Santarém)
- Pedro Ferreira (bateria e coros)
- Pedro Clara (guitarra eléctrica, guitarra acústica de 12 cordas e voz)
- João Lopes (guitarra baixo)
- Júlio Silva (sintetizadores, piano eléctrico, piano acústico e strings)
- Pedro Rocha (piano acústico, strings e sintetizadores).
Gravado nos estúdios JORSOM - RCS, Lda - Lisboa - Portugal
Capa - "OMEGA" Óleo de Antero Guerra Inácio
A1 Um Mundo a Construir
A2 Águas Sem Margens
A3 Instrumental I
A4 À Procura
B1 Castelos no Ar
B2 Putos Vadios
B3 Voando no Tempo
B4 Imaginação (Instrumental II)
more info
A1 Um Mundo a Construir...
A3 Instrumental I...
B3 Voando no Tempo...
B4 Imaginação (Instrumental II)...
link in comments...
Hi Isabel,
Fantastic !
How I can thank you ! This one will perhaps enter in my last compilation, Anyway, I will send you the link !
Take care, I search the second record ( Maybe, vocals were in English this time)
Bye, have a good day,
Cannot believe when I saw this post
Unbelievable, Isabel.
How did you manage that?
what a great Christmas present.
From now nothing will surprise me here in PNF.
As we had spoken some time before is the rarest of Portuguese progressive rock albums
Eternal gratitude!
I'm curious about the assertion of sosgotcha when he talks about an English version.Realy?
Never heard talk about it.Lets see.
Merry Christmas
Uma banda do meu país que ainda não conhecia, e realmente está um tanto desenquadrada do habitual grupo português.
Muito obrigado por dar a conhecer, e por todo o trabalho de pesquisa, tenho apanhado coisas muito boas por aqui.
Bom natal!
Hi Misongod,
I'm sorry for this misunderstand ! I didn' t speak of an English version of " Tempo e modo" but of a very rare band (with apparently vocals in English) I have heard on brazilian radio Lagrimo psicodelico (or maybe radio eldopop.br) just before one extract of " Tempo e modo". I search these 2 bands since I' ve listened them ( in the night of Friday december, 9th (near 2 or 3 hour in the night at Brasil). Isabel has found the brazilian band and I continue to search the other band. I' ve send e-mails to these radio but nobody has answered me. Maybe one of these days, they play again this track ??? ( I have no " Shazam" system for recognize music just with one micro)!
Merry Christmas and still a thousand thanks !
In fact on these radios it is recorded music and the hour I've listened it doesn' t matter ... and shazam the most often cannot recognize name of a very rare track ! I have just to listen these radio again and again to find a second time this excellent track !
it' s very simple in fact, a double clic on the name of the radio (for instance " radioeldopop")allows to know the name of the band and of the track ) !
So it 's very recommanded to all proggers to frequent these radios !
OK, thank you for your indulgence,
It's Xmas !
Many thanks for all your share in this wonderful Blog!
Thank you very much for UL the mega rare gem.
Remastered from your mp3 file as poosible as I can.
Enjoy again !!!
Excellent Shige.
Thanx a lot.
Thank you Dom, Phil and Sub for the comments! ;)
and thank you Shige for your work, much appreciated!!! ;p
Happy New Year! :o)
Happy New Year all the people here,
My last compilation is complete ... maybe the last one because now, it becomes harder and harder to find new tracks enough rare and enough strongly beautiful or amazing to stand the same standard of quality for the challenge I've fixed prevously ! But no problem my friends, here good music continues to flow... it was just a personal romantic project and the music can live and be useful without being always so strangely beautiful ! In the meanwhile, the beauty is devilish as you know !
Aqui está um à venda:
Como elemento do grupo, agora de novo no activo e com novos trabalhos, devo dizer que a prensagem não foi de 300 mas sim de 1000 cópias. Trata-se pois de um versão dos interessados em vender, aumentando assim o grau de especulação
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