Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lenny Mac Dowell - Airplay (1980, Germany)

Lenny, real name Friedemann M. Leinert is a brilliant flautist from Germany. Starting with Flute Power he made some beautiful jazz-rock albums in this period, of note for me is the masterpiece about politics and the environment called "Balance of Power, " which was in fact released to CD and is available for purchase.   He went on to produce more ambient or new agey stuff later in the 80s, similar to Chris Hinze.  As far as I know this nice light-fusion record from the later fusion era has never been re-released.  All the titles are composed by Lenny except where indicated on tracks.  His backing band includes the following musicians: Mike Herting, keys, Peter Oehler, guitars, Horst Stachelhaus, bass, Manfred von Bohr, drums.  Recorded by Carlos Albrecht August 1980.


Tristan Stefan said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again...

Miami Ram

LRRooster said...

Hello music lover
I'm just discovered your blog. Your collection is really amazing ! Thx a lot for all the treasure you post.
Sorry my english is poor...
I have a request about Murphy's Law. Links are dead. Is it possible for you tu re up ?
Thx again for your work.
LRRooster from Paris

isabelbc said...

Murphy's Law -> new link ->

LRRooster said...

oh thank you !

progger said...


Thanking you for this great site.

I will only be happy if you have time to check my situation. The following links have been re-directed from "" to "" and I get the message as "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
while "Lenny Mac Dowell - Airplay" has no problem:

Tristan Stefan said...

well that's because those pages don't exist! lol sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

1000 thanks! link is working and this album is great !


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