Listen to the E minor patterns in the second song, "Childhood yearned" which using the flat 7th and 6th (i.e. notes d and c sharp) perfectly convey the emotional state of nostalgia. As usual a cello playing sustained notes provides the deeper undercurrent of sadness. Suddenly the song will modulate into D minor, then A minor, then G minor, which is what separates it from the usual trancelike stuff which typically operates entirely within one key or even whole songs never stray from one chord. Although the titles definitely seem to suggest new age (shaman, incantation, caves, etc.) we wouldn't hesitate to classify this as progressive music.
"Ghosts of Christmas past" (terrible song title choice) in G minor weaves a melody with major third, minor third, minor sixth, second, virtually every chromatic note is used. In this case a xylophone I think has been brought in to accompany the sitar. The last song, "Whale song" has some nice soft synth waves under gorgeous guitar arpeggios. There is the customary and unfortunate middle section of whale song effects before the previous chords pick up again to finish out. Too bad no reference was made to the finnish, icelandic, and in particular japanese IWC attempts to lift the moratorium on commercial whaling-- thousands of whales are killed and served to schoolchildren in Japan -- although the IWC allows them to be killed for 'scientific purposes'. Although they are well aware of the celebrated intelligence of the cetaceans, not many people out there are aware that the majority of species including the right, the sperm, and the magnificent blue are still very much in danger of extinction. This is not going to stop the aforementioned countries from stacking the deck with political bribes to finally lift the moratorium on whale-hunting, an event expected to happen at the next meeting in a couple of years. By then presumably the insatiable appetite for bluefin tuna (maguro) will exterminate this magnificent animal as well.
Childhood Yearned...
chris, you forgot to thank the ripper again
Why thank you very much for this wonderful album! I had it on vinyl many years ago and never thought I'd see it again. Less than 100 copies were ever sold I think.
A bit more about the band. They are from my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and the album was recorded here and not in Toronto, or if so, it was released here.
The driving force behind the band is a guy named Greg Gardner. He used to work for Winnipeg's best record store, "Into the Music" and used to live upstairs of their building.
He also jammed a lot with former Hawkwind/Pink Fairy Alan Rudolph. The Vancouver Canada born Rudolph lived in Winnipeg in the late 80s and worked at a bicycle shop. I saw them perform on a few occasions. I have no idea if anything ever got released.
Thanks again and have a great day!
Hi, do you have a track list for this album? Thanks for posting it, it sounds really interesting
hi The Cornbread Hour,
cover back here
isabel :o)
thanks for the info Marc, on the back cover it says recorded in Toronto, though I had heard the band was from the peg. It's such a sad loss for such great music that it came out in only 100 copies, hopefully more people will listen this time around. I really really love this album, it's cohesive, inventive and really professionally played.
Oh gee, thanks isabelbc. I don't know how long ago you posted that, and if you'll see this, but thanks anyway :)
Ehr, another dead link... very sorry, it is possible to re-up? Thank you, Mario - Genova
new link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G1YZ7EBH
Perfect, all downoaded. Thank you, Mario, Genova
Could you repost both the album and the back cover you posted on comments?
Links are down.
cover back -> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/689/amakudarisameback.jpg/
new link http://netkups.com/?d=4bfb5807797d8
Absolutely AMAZING, Isabelbc.
Thanks a lot!
amazing music. any chance of a re up?
I will post it on my blog in the next few days, keep your eye out for it:
I reposted it on my blog:
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