"Rain Dance" is pure F major happiness, a key often used for this kind of nature composition (e.g. Beethoven's pastoral symph) perhaps due to the rain-like sound of the b flat - ? Again synaesthetes will have to help here. "Sea Horse" tries to get that ocean feeling going again with the inevitable fender rhodes sound. A really weird melody then plays out in saxes and ?clarinet. Quite inappropriately the sea horse starts getting all funky with a banged out bass line and bluesy saxes. Hey! let's ride that sea horse straight outta town man! Funk makes a reappearance later in "Tickets please" (to a disco full of cougars?) "Monster Rally" does a fantastic chord change of D minor, heavy synth riff, to a surprising Bflat chord-- sounding quite monstrous indeed. "March of the Lonely Riders" does a plaintive, mysterious A minor to Aflat major-- great change, melody goes A C F E -- Eflat D C D -- then C Aflat A-- suddenly a tritonal E flat based chord clashes in on top of the A -- oh that great and magnificent tritone, said to be the most dissonant interval, so essential to good progressive and the health of the cerebral cortex! Later a bridge does a bass going up by semitones with a sax melody winding around on top-- reminds me of Mingus' Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife but it may be just coincidence, so often musical similarities are just that. "Peace Street" is again F major happiness, rolling down like a happy bus of schoolchildren into fields of gold, I can't imagine a human being who can't feel happy listening here, except maybe myself, for whom happiness is always clouded by the realization of the ultimate fate of extinction for humankind (latest IPCC predictions for business as usual temperature rise, 6 degrees by end century). There is one throwaway song ("Etyk" ) which keeps to the same chord (C7?) through the whole track, 8 minutes of it, it may move out of it but I didn't have the patience not to fast forward through most of the track. It should be a crime to dwell on the same chord like that, no matter how interesting the jazzy riffs on top are. Album ends with a cute 'farewell' song, this really reminds me of the Moose Loose style with a lot of flutes and soft chord landings. As I said, it's like a kind of pictures at an exhibition album, with very visual representations of moods.
Please enjoy this last treasure posted.
Peace Street Two...
whoops i lost the link!!
Very great, Tristan.
Must be a strong album. I love Yanagida works and also Moose Loose is outstanding.
This looks good, certainly quite the buildup.
What's happen with link/links???
Ok , Ok but where´s the fucking link?
any way to recover the link?
Where´s the link? C`mon friend, please!
hey, tristy, how come you're not answering? you comment all the time in this section and now silence? come on
tristy?? Anonymous who swore needs to apologize... that's really inappropriate.
Tristan - thanks for sharing these records, most I'd never heard of previously. I was aware of Kornet, but had no idea they'd produced that EP as a last gasp. So...thanks again.
I apologize for the nickeyname, Sir Tristan. thank you for this record.
yeah, patience is a virtue .)
thx for the album mate
hi tristan stefan,
thank you for the shares, but I very much appreciate your thoughts. all of us who collect music aspire to be the man who has everything. what you have written about is a cautionary tale for some of us. I know that feeling of "needing" to find that one last item and personally know of someone who ruined a relationship doing so. thank you for writing about this, I know it's made me think a little more about what I'm doing and about the nature of collecting and sharing. if this is indeed the last album you are posting, thank you for taking the time and energy to let some us know there are still interesting artists and music yet to be discovered. it remains to be seen how much energy I will devote to continue seeking it.
all the best
any way to recover the link?
hi Dolly,
link in comments
Isabel ;o)
Compositionally this is NOTHING like Bo Hansson or, for the matter, Yanagida.
Both were organ-dominated.
Artists that have that unique Hansson-sound are:Bjorn Olsson,Sagor & Swing,Kvarteten som Sprangle, Sound Express... NOT this.
Here we have rhodes-sax (with electric guitar on the better tracks). This is mainly soft (Americain-sounding) fusion. The first 3 tracks are particularly schlaggery smooth jazzfusion.
And I wouldnt class Make alongside Mooseloose either -they were way better.
wow anonymous, thanks for convincing me again not to post here! Talk about ingratitude!
You may find it fun to hide behind anonymity but you have no idea how time-consuming for someone with a full-time job and kids to take the time to post this stuff and write something about it, whether or not you agree with it. Try not to be such a coward next time.
Tristan, you post wonderful music here and wonderful reviews. To read certain others' comments is a sad reminder for me that this is still "the Internet", but not all of us are like that.
We do appreciate all of your work. If I had never found this blog, I would still be stuck in the mainstream, wondering why music never satisfied my capacity for it.
luckily I don't care what people think -- I'd still post if only one person liked it & everyone else hated my guts
Dear Tristan,
I'd just like to take a second to thank you a thousand times over for all the hard work you put in and the great music you share with us. I've been an avid follower of prog not frog for two years now and it has turned me onto some unbelievably great music. As for the people who only take the time to leave snide music snob comments, well, I hope it isn't to cold up there on your high horse. Christ people are ungrateful.
Many thanks
Thanks for allowing me to hear a lot of music I would NEVER have heard otherwise! -joey
Tristan, thank you. A little late in the day for me ... I downloaded this days ago, and almost forgot to thank you (I've done so in the past, I'm afraid, as life gets hectic, and then I fall asleep without having followed up on things). I LOVE this, reminds me of Pekka Pojhola's stuff, great jazz musicianship with a pop sensibility in places. And, if I might be a bit provocative, a bit like BO HANNSSON (yes!), maybe from Magicians Hat (which featured jazzie Bobo Stenson on one track, if I recall), so bite that, snobby guy. Anyway, this music helped me chill out after work several days last week, so I'm grateful. Now I'm off to grab that Edward Vesala, I've been looking for that!
tristan stefan rules!!!
what more can i say
you're a legend
peace, doctor zoots
Ok, I'm sorry for beeing so late writing this but I'm passing some rough times lately. Propably noone going to read this but I felt obliged to say my feelings. It makes me mad to see people beeing so ungrateful. So mad that if I had them near me I'd punch them to the ground. Please, people from PnF, don't pay attention to those assholes, they are the lowest form of life, keep going please, there are people who APPRECIATE so much your work.
With infinite respect, your always friend, admirer and hardcore fan,
My god you're right this is just musical bliss! Thank you thank you thank you again for this sharing this wonderfulness!
wether you care what i think of you or not mr. stefan, i find your intelligence, eloquence and willingness to spend your time sharing brilliant music with people inspiring, your wife is a lucky woman and may your children grow up with even half your charizma to be fantastic humans, blow the trolls
Hi !!!
Is it possible to repost this album PLEASE?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you so much.
It's very kind of you.
Much appreciated.
Thanks for sharing.
Completely blown away by the quality of music that your putting up in this blog. Huge thank you. Big G!
Could you repost this one for us?
new link http://netkups.com/?d=fa4ae865f6b5c
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