Hello Boys!, certainly some of you are Familiar with great brazilian individuals as Ze Ramalho, Lula Cortes, etc... they are responsible for some of the most groundbreaking underground psych classics: from the highly bizarre Ze Ramalho & Lula Cortes's "Paebiru" to the Pastoral Flaviola e o Bando do Sol (covered in this blog a long time ago), passing through the acid folk of Satwa.
Well, here we have another highly regarded masterpiece from the same guys... Marconi Notaro's-"No sub reino dos Metazoários".
Here I post the review from Time Lag Records:
"Featuring the core trio Lula Côrtes. Underground Poet Marconi Notaro & Zé Ramalho, this record was recorded just months after Lula & Lailson had released "Satwa" (actually some claims this work as a second "Satwa" lp). Lula was back in the same Recife studio with poet and friend Marconi Notaro to lay down another equally magical album. Zé ramalho, who would go on to record the Paéberu 2lp with lula two years later, makes his recording debut here as well... somehow amidst the harsh government restrictions of 70's Brazil, Lula Côrtes and his group of artist friends had managed to bypass the authorities and create a hugely creative micro-world of their own, recording, producing, and releasing this album with complete independence. no small feat in and of itself, no doubt, but the music is what makes this slab a true lost masterpiece... the whole album gushes forth with a sun baked spirit of the highest level, mixing tropicalia tinged folk-beat groovers, Satwa styled bliss trance ragas, Paébiru favored lysergic jungle psych, and even a raging fuzz/wah soaked garage psych rocker. Extremely mind melting from start to finish, with huge washes of rippling tape delay, electric & acoustic guitars, 12 string, tranced folk percussion, passionate yet mellow vocals, liquid electric bass, acid effects everywhere, and of course Lula's mercurial & heart melting tricórdio (an instrument he made himself, something like a sitar/dulcimer hybrid).
Beautiful, melancholy and joyous all at the same moment, this is an album that after 33 years still sounds completely fresh & unique... sadly Marconi passed away in 2000 having lived a life of obscurity even in his own town, yet leaving behind 7 published books of poetry and this stunning, lone album"
So my friend's, if you are into the Recife's underground scene this is the last piece of the crown. I hope you enjoyed as much as Myself.
And at last, as always... Thanks Lula, Thanks Ramalho & Thanks to the Great Poet Marconi Notaro.
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Marconi Notaro - Sinfonia em ré
Well, here we have another highly regarded masterpiece from the same guys... Marconi Notaro's-"No sub reino dos Metazoários".
Here I post the review from Time Lag Records:
"Featuring the core trio Lula Côrtes. Underground Poet Marconi Notaro & Zé Ramalho, this record was recorded just months after Lula & Lailson had released "Satwa" (actually some claims this work as a second "Satwa" lp). Lula was back in the same Recife studio with poet and friend Marconi Notaro to lay down another equally magical album. Zé ramalho, who would go on to record the Paéberu 2lp with lula two years later, makes his recording debut here as well... somehow amidst the harsh government restrictions of 70's Brazil, Lula Côrtes and his group of artist friends had managed to bypass the authorities and create a hugely creative micro-world of their own, recording, producing, and releasing this album with complete independence. no small feat in and of itself, no doubt, but the music is what makes this slab a true lost masterpiece... the whole album gushes forth with a sun baked spirit of the highest level, mixing tropicalia tinged folk-beat groovers, Satwa styled bliss trance ragas, Paébiru favored lysergic jungle psych, and even a raging fuzz/wah soaked garage psych rocker. Extremely mind melting from start to finish, with huge washes of rippling tape delay, electric & acoustic guitars, 12 string, tranced folk percussion, passionate yet mellow vocals, liquid electric bass, acid effects everywhere, and of course Lula's mercurial & heart melting tricórdio (an instrument he made himself, something like a sitar/dulcimer hybrid).

So my friend's, if you are into the Recife's underground scene this is the last piece of the crown. I hope you enjoyed as much as Myself.
And at last, as always... Thanks Lula, Thanks Ramalho & Thanks to the Great Poet Marconi Notaro.
Keep Listening!
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Marconi Notaro - Sinfonia em ré
Marconi Notaro-"No Sub Reino dos Metazoários"
Congratulations from Brazil !!
Eduardo Martins
thank u, very much, for sharing us so exclusive and hard-to find music.
ludwig, from argentina!
Gracias a ti por leernos Ludwig, cualquier sugerencia de algo que busques no dudes en hacermelo saber.
que estes muy bien!
Hmmm... I always believed that it was an overestimated and pretty average album, way inferior to the "Paebiru" or the "Satwa" goodies. However an interesting period pirece. Thanks for the post.
A fabulous, fabulous record...
Somebody having this album on to post one new link???
Somebody have to file on to share one new link here??? G.G
new link:
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