Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Children of all Ages (USA 1975)

Oh to be a child again…

The older I get the less I dream, but nowadays I often have this recurring dream (in fact almost every week) which I remember I used to have as a child too.
In this dream I come upon a beautiful deep lake or flowing river with crystal-clear fresh waters in the middle of a forest, I look down, and I see it's full of big fat shiny fish, excitedly I run back to grab my fishing rod and hook up a worm, and within minutes I get a bite and start reeling in, overjoyed... Often in the dream my father is with me at my side with his fishing rod in his hand looking down and smiling at me...

Of course before I can hold the fish I wake up.  Then I invariably think to myself in the sad blackness that I must take my children to a wild river or lake so they can experience this same thrill that I once felt, to step out into a world still rich with life.

But when I get up in the morning I look at them and realize they would never feel things the same way I did, because already they haven't grown up in the same world; where we collected toads in our backyard, butterflies at our school, caught catfish and bucketfulls of water beetles at the local pond...  That world sadly is already gone, except in my dreams.  Many years ago I went back to revisit that pond full of frogs near my childhood home that I've mentioned so often and to my eternal sadness saw it had been covered over with new suburban houses.  Only one small part of it was still there, enclosed in a heavy duty high fence, it was padlocked with the red sign: "Biosphere preserve-- KEEP OUT!"


Tristan Stefan said...

side b is the more interesting, being an all-out free improvised jam "journey to the center of the universe"

Quimsy said...

I'm enjoying this a lot - many thx.

uros said...

I agree with you Stefan. When I am listening to Allman Brothers Band's song Old before my time from Hittin' The Note, I found myself in the meaning of this song. Well, I don't dream very often, too.
So we have to go forward and and find a way, which will bring back our dreams again. And Stefan, thanks for the music.

ushaped said...

I grew up with a valley and ravine behind my house and my friends and I spent every day of every season down there catching crayfish and snapping turtles, building forts or tobaggoning. I imagine this is no different from other children of the '70s. I don't ever dream of those times because they are still very present in me (artists often don't really grow up to some degree!) I often think that my interest in music of this time period is at least a little informed by how pervasive this particular style of astral jazz and soul music was in all forms of media when I was young. For me, my memories of this time sound like the music on this LP.

ushaped said...

Hi Tristan,

I forgot to say thank you for the music and thought-provoking text!

All the best,

SrMUERTE said...

Very nice text. Moved me a lot

Ace said...

I too am I child of the 70's and enjoyed the world as you all did. This style is so.. familiar. I finally realized what it was; this album reminds me of School House Rock and many of the other uber-creative offerings for children around this same time!

Tristan Stefan said...

There were half as many people (three and a half billion) on the planet when I was born as there are now, I think that explains a lot. Thanks ushaped and other commenters.

ushaped said...

@Ace Ha,

I loved School House Rock and was happy years ago to learn that the main vocalists for many of those tunes were jazz vocalists. Bob Dorough (who is on the Children of All Ages LPs) sang "Three is a Magic Number" and "5" among many others. Blossom Dearie's included "Adjectives" and "Figure 8". Jack Sheldon sang the immortal "Conjunction Junction". A great funk tune was "Verb, That's What's Happening". No wonder those tunes were so catchy, soulful, funky and educational! I couldn't stop singing them!

Anonymous said...

Lossless of this one? Ple-e-e-esss. )

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