A big standout for me is the solo guitar track Rain of Life written by pianist Byard (famed Mingus accompanist) which truly shows Bruce's skills. Note the wonderful decorative notes played by the brass halfway thru.
I hope here that these rare records can be preserved for posterity... although it may be that posterity won't care for them at all. They may be too occupied dealing with their twin disasters of climate change and resource depletion to worry about rare jazz and prog, but who knows? No one can know the future. Not only the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and the indeterminacy of chaos in the mathematical sense, but the social unpredictability of collective human action makes it all the more impossible for prediction (e.g. certain doom is averted through intelligent collaborative action). Who will win out, powerful companies and profit-maximizing with the selfish, apathetic or perhaps ignorant half of us, or the grassroots population that cares to keep a habitable planet for their children? At the moment it looks like 50-50 and most in the scientific community would agree.
Guitar [Electric], Synthesizer [Moog], Arranged By, Producer– Bruce Clarke
Bass [Electric]– Ian Grattidge
Congas– Bruce Barber
Drums, Percussion– Ron Sandilands
Engineer– Paul Korsten
Saxophone [Electric], Flute [Electric], Woodwind– Ted White
Trumpet, Trumpet [Electric], Flugelhorn– Keith Stirling
I include the liner notes from the rear record sleeve --mostly for a feel for the seventies era:
"I have a real feeling of involvement with this album. It's because I've been close to this brainchild since its conception, during its gestation and now its accouchement. I suppose I feel like an obstetrician on hearing a newborn baby yell. Not that I've had a long wait to hear this one wail. As they became available, Bruce generously kept me supplied with tapes of these items from early mono mixes to stereo, which I've programmed often. But to those who may be listening to this music for the first time I say-- this is no facsimile of another group and its music-- here is originality!
This music is wonderfully imaginative and stylish, creative and joyous. The group is excitingly professional with its musicianship and deft exploitation of modern techniques and devices for playing and recording. Bruce Clarke is a very original man.
He's one of my men for all seasons and he's always been a champion of the now season. Which is why he digs his Harley Davidson 1200 cc superglide I suppose. He's always looked for new ways to express his music -- so he has a mark 3 moog and a vast assortment of amps gear and axes. He's been president of the International Society of Contemporary Music so he's our only professional electronic composer, thus the use of amps and pedals with this group. And it all stands on the Duke Ellington premise, if it sounds good, it's good! Amen to that.
Really what I've been saying is Stratusphunk is ... right on!"
Ian Neil
So happy father's day to me, and to all the other sugar daddies out there, and for now just drop out, tune in, turn it up, and groooooooove on this, daddy-o...
thank you very much, Tristan!!!
album from my wishlist!! :D
seems it's from 1974, check here http://colsearch.nfsa.gov.au/nfsa/search/display/display.w3p;adv=;group=;groupequals=;holdingType=;page=0;parentid=;query=Stratusphunk;querytype=;rec=1;resCount=10
Isabel :o)
here also, item 15 -> http://monobrow73.blogspot.com.br/2010/01/20-greatest-australian-funk-records.html
there was no year on the actual record or sleeve- thanks Isabel!
unbelievable.. where did you find it!!! best thing you done in your life..i can`t thank you enuff.
hi sadness, have not heard from you in long while... how are you mate
I like hearing the wind section here. Lovely arrangement.
Also I find this incredible and I'm blown! Congratulations and sincere thanks (and thanks also for its details Isabel).
THANK YOU: awesome and unusual.
Not this, then:
no, not that record, but that explains where the cover song is from, but that original Russell record sure looks interesting... just goes to show how you always find more to search for in the past...amazes me!
Hi there,
thanks for thius rarity, never heard of it before. Not really anything like Quasar, though... much straighter and loaded with horns, for starters.
I hate to complain, but this is a weird rip, with the right channel being quite overloaded, but the only real problem I found was on track 5, where much of the track has many, many weird glitchy pops marring it; I assumed this was from the vinyl, but zooming in, they look most unnatural and perhaps a digital error in the file? Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?
Hi again,
I downloaded the wav files (actually flac!) and the problem I described with track 5 doesn't seem to be present there. I guess it's a coding fault with the mp3 conversion. There's that issue solved!
best wishes,
fantastic sound TRISTAN !!!
D.J. ChinaBlack
new upload
Oct 3 2013
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