More than one year passed since I ripped and Tristan reviewed this German masterpiece for the first time .
I knew the old link is dead and decided to rip again because my turntable is changed upgrade these days and it seems better than previous one.
You can read liner note's translation written by the drummer at the comment section thanks to an anonymous.
Enjoy this German real masterpiece ,again.
previous review by Tristan Stefan
Here's the (non-native-speaker) translation of the liner notes:
When we met once at my birthday and decided to make a record, Ollie, Thomas , Michael and I didn't sense very little of the difficulties such a project will bring along.
First we had to find a studio with proper conditions. We once had made a demo-tape in a studio* in Delmenhorst. This studio we chose.
As we had to finance the record on our own (none of us wanted a producer), we had to face another problem: we only have money, when we don't know, on what to spend it. Unfortunately no one is in possesion of this instrument of payment, when we need it really bad.
On December 24th 1980 our friend Jürgen Buggel had a "Santa-Claus-job". Because of this and with a support from Udo Wischhusen we were able to pay the studio advance money.
Nevertheless we have to pay our debts, so we depend on you fundamentally. (So, go and buy our record by the dozen, got it?)
The work in the studio seemed to be the easiest part aside of all these troubles. Far from it! Own deficiencies as a result of stress, a drunk who has lost his way into my drum cabin _and_ perfidious insects, whose only meaning of life seems to be crashing onto the thick outer walls with all their force just to irritate our poor Ollie were the reasons for messing up out time schedule. Ollie and Michael along with our audio engineer and factotum Martin Strehl did a nightshift.
Without Martin's help (he jollied us along with coffee, high spirits and much hall) we wouldn't have been able to manage it.
So, enough of this flim-flam! Listen to the record, and decide for yourself, what you think of it.
* Mobile Sounds Studio, Delmenhorst, Germany
Oh,what a quick translation you did !!!
I appreciate you a lot.
Thanks Shige.
I love Kraut. Also other music, of course. One of the best blogs around!
Jan from the Netherlands
awesome! but the mp3 .rar doesn't seem to have track 2...
Thank you very much for the comment.
Yes,you are right.
Track 2 is missing.
Sorry too much.
Here are new links.
Thank you very much Friend Shige for this rare gem. I have been looking for a lossless version for some time now and am glad you were kind enough to share with us.
Take good care :)
We can help each other when we need with each other.
And it would be my pleasure to help you my Friend :)
can you upload it somewhere else?
new links in comments works very well!
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