An old and lame man gathers a bouquet of twigs in a barren wilderness of dried and lifeless trees. His time ahead is short and shortens with every step. And are we all just killing time until time eventually kills us? Augustine on the subject: I know what time is, until someone asks me, then I lose my knowledge of it and cannot answer. At the most basic level, it's a mystery-- physicists and philosophers profoundly disagree about the nature of time. For Einstein it is another dimension like space, but for the standard model of quantum physics it is entirely different due to collapse of the wave function and its probabilistic nature. It feels almost as if time is the preeminent mystery of reality, the most profound and the one which, if illuminated, would lead to an understanding of the most basic structures: the universe, life, consciousness.

But to quote a less literary source, " when I die, when I'm dead and gone, there'll be one more child in this world to carry on. " (Actually 2.) What we have here is that european jazz that I can't ever get enough of, as the artist name indicates, there's a lot of improvisation -- in fact the whole of side 2 is such. It's too bad they didn't stick to more composed elements as these distinctly recall to me Exil Fusionen and other modern-fusion type compositions from Europe like Dauner's Etcetera but appear all too sporadically.
Back to the cover: I think this is one of the most beautiful covers of any record I've ever seen.
It is a rare great album to me! I had MP3, I will now download in WAV because it's worth
Ein Bier (mehr dan ein, heh) für Dich, Prost, Trish!
You should keep those collection. They cannot be found anywhere.
sorry strat, are you talking about the records, or about life?
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